18 Beneficios Para La Salud Basados en Evidencia De Las Fechas

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Vídeo: 18 Beneficios Para La Salud Basados en Evidencia De Las Fechas

Vídeo: 18 Beneficios Para La Salud Basados en Evidencia De Las Fechas
Vídeo: Capítulo 1: ¿Qué es la medicina basada en evidencia? 2024, Abril
18 Beneficios Para La Salud Basados en Evidencia De Las Fechas
18 Beneficios Para La Salud Basados en Evidencia De Las Fechas

Los dátiles (Phoenix dactylifera) se encuentran entre las frutas más dulces. Se cree que se originaron en Irak. Son los frutos de la palmera datilera y han sido el alimento básico de los países de Oriente Medio durante siglos.

Estos frutos difieren en tamaño y color según su variedad y sabor. Contienen varios nutrientes y pueden ayudar a regular los niveles de colesterol, mejorar la salud ósea, aumentar el rendimiento cognitivo y apoyar un embarazo saludable.

En este artículo, exploramos sus posibles beneficios para la salud y su perfil nutricional, entre otros. Sigue leyendo.

Tabla de contenido

  • Beneficios para la salud de las fechas
  • Tipos de dátiles
  • Fechas Datos nutricionales *
  • ¿Cuáles son las mejores formas de comer dátiles?
  • Fechas frescas vs. Fechas secas
  • ¿Alguna receta popular de dátiles?
  • Selección y almacenamiento

Beneficios para la salud de las fechas

1. Puede ayudar a regular los niveles de colesterol

Un estudio israelí afirma que la ingesta de dátiles, incluso por parte de personas sanas, puede tener efectos beneficiosos sobre los niveles de colesterol y el estrés oxidativo (1).

Los dátiles no contienen colesterol. También son ricos en hierro y tienen más fibra que los plátanos. Aún no se ha estudiado cómo estos factores afectan las propiedades reguladoras del colesterol de la fruta.

2. Puede mejorar la salud ósea

Los dátiles son fuentes ricas en cobre, magnesio, selenio y manganeso. Todos estos nutrientes son importantes para mantener los huesos sanos y prevenir afecciones relacionadas con los huesos (como la osteoporosis).

Los dátiles también son ricos en vitamina K. El nutriente es un coagulante de la sangre y ayuda a metabolizar los huesos (2).

Los dátiles también contienen boro. La investigación muestra que el boro es uno de los otros nutrientes importantes para mantener la salud ósea (3).

3. Puede promover la salud del cerebro

Se ha descubierto que los dátiles ofrecen protección contra el estrés oxidativo y la inflamación en el cerebro. El consumo regular de dátiles se ha relacionado con un menor riesgo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y un mejor rendimiento cognitivo en personas mayores (4).

Otro estudio en animales ha concluido que la suplementación con dátiles tiene el potencial de ralentizar la progresión del Alzheimer (5).

En otro estudio con ratones, se descubrió que la suplementación a largo plazo de dátiles ayuda a prevenir la inflamación en el cerebro (6).

4. Puede prevenir la inflamación

Se encontró que los dátiles tienen propiedades antiinflamatorias (7).

Los dátiles también contienen magnesio, que puede ayudar a estimular la inmunidad y combatir la inflamación. Si su dieta es baja en magnesio, es posible que su sistema inmunológico no sea lo suficientemente fuerte para combatir la inflamación. Sin embargo, existe una investigación limitada al respecto.

5. Puede apoyar un embarazo saludable

Una forma en que las citas pueden ayudar a las mujeres embarazadas es a través del recuento de calorías. Las mujeres embarazadas necesitan alrededor de 300 calorías más que sus pares no embarazadas. Pero la mayoría de las mujeres embarazadas tienden a elegir alimentos con alto contenido calórico y bajos en nutrientes. Esto podría causar problemas a largo plazo.

Los dátiles pueden ser un reemplazo saludable. Aunque son un poco altos en calorías, son inmensamente ricos en nutrientes. La evidencia anecdótica sugiere que la fibra en los dátiles puede prevenir las hemorroides del embarazo.

Un estudio de Jordan afirma que consumir dátiles en las últimas cuatro semanas antes del parto puede producir resultados más favorables. Se requieren más estudios al respecto (8).

Alguna evidencia anecdótica sugiere que las fechas también pueden fortalecer los músculos del útero en los últimos meses del embarazo.

6. Puede ayudar a tratar el estreñimiento

En estudios con ratas, se descubrió que el extracto de pulpa de dátil estimula la actividad del tránsito gastrointestinal y puede ayudar a tratar el estreñimiento. La pulpa del fruto lo consigue corrigiendo la desregulación del contenido mineral que se produce durante el estreñimiento. También se encontró que las fibras en los dátiles previenen los cánceres del sistema digestivo (9).

Comer un mínimo de 20 a 35 gramos de fibra todos los días puede ayudar a promover la salud digestiva. También suaviza las heces y previene el estreñimiento. Además de tener fibra, recuerde limitar su consumo de alimentos que no contengan fibra en absoluto.

En algunos casos, reducir la ingesta de fibra puede ayudar a tratar el estreñimiento (10). Por lo tanto, si tiene problemas digestivos, consulte a su médico antes de consumir dátiles.

7. Puede promover la salud de la piel

Los dátiles contienen vitaminas C y D. La evidencia anecdótica sugiere que estos pueden ayudar a promover la elasticidad de la piel. La fruta también puede ayudar a combatir otros problemas de la piel como picazón o erupciones. Puede incorporar dátiles en su dieta y ver los posibles resultados a largo plazo.

Los dátiles también pueden tener beneficios anti-envejecimiento. Pueden prevenir la acumulación de melanina en su cuerpo que, de lo contrario, podría provocar problemas en la piel. Sin embargo, faltan investigaciones concretas en este aspecto.

Sabemos que las hormonas juegan un papel importante en el envejecimiento y la apariencia de la piel. Se sabe que el extracto de almendra de palma datilera tiene fitohormonas que exhiben importantes efectos anti-envejecimiento. El extracto también puede ayudar a combatir las arrugas (11).

8. Puede promover un aumento de peso saludable

Si está demasiado delgado y quiere subir de peso, puede agregar dátiles a su dieta.

En un estudio realizado en corderos, se observó un aumento de peso (hasta en un 30%) luego del consumo de semillas de dátiles molidas (12). Sin embargo, se necesita más investigación para comprender los mismos efectos en humanos.

9. Puede regular la presión arterial

Los dátiles son ricos en potasio (13). El mineral ayuda a controlar la hipertensión (14). Un dátil medjool contiene aproximadamente 167 mg de potasio. Este contenido es relativamente alto en comparación con otras frutas. No tomar suficiente potasio también puede provocar cálculos renales, aunque se necesita más investigación para comprender este mecanismo.

Fiber also stabilizes blood sugar levels. It also counterbalances the effects of sodium in your diet, and this may help lower blood pressure. The magnesium in the fruit relaxes the muscles in your heart and blood vessels, consequently reducing blood pressure. More studies are needed to reach further conclusions in this regard.

10. May Improve Heart Health

A handful of dates a day may improve heart health. Dates can fight free radicals and prevent cardiovascular diseases (15). Anecdotal evidence suggests that the antioxidants in dates may prevent atherosclerosis. These antioxidants may also stimulate cholesterol removal from the artery cells.

Dates also contain isoflavones (the second highest of any fruit) known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, more research is warranted in this regard.

Dates contain fiber. As per one UK study, regular intake of fiber may lower the risk of coronary heart disease (16). Fiber also helps in weight management. Ideal body weight could further reduce the risk of heart disease (17).

11. May Prevent Hair Loss

Dates are rich in iron and may promote blood circulation to the scalp. This may promote hair growth. This happens as oxygen is properly dispersed to your entire body, including your scalp. This process may prevent hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. However, limited research is available in this regard.

12. May Enhance Sexual Health

Some research states that the date palm pollen is used in traditional medicine for enhancing male fertility (18). Further research is needed to understand the efficacy of dates in enhancing sexual health. The amino acids in dates may also boost sexual stamina.

13. May Treat Diarrhea

Diarrhea can get better or aggravated with the choice of foods you consume. Dates are rich in potassium and may help improve the condition. Date fruit has antimicrobial properties that act against microbes that cause diarrhea (19).

14. May Reduce The Risk of colon Cancer

Intake of dates may reduce the development of colorectal cancer (20).

Consumption of dates also increases the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This may also promote colon health (19).

15. May Boost Energy Levels

The date fruit contains many nutrients. They are also used in certain countries for instant energy after fasting (21). Dates also contain natural sugars like sucrose, fructose, and glucose. These may offer an energy boost too.

16. May Help Prevent Night Blindness

The primary cause of night blindness is a deficiency ofvitamin A. Dates are rich in this vitamin as well and can help combat this condition (22). Regions with a higher date consumption seem to have rare incidences of night blindness.

Dates may also help reduce night blindness in geriatric cases (23).

17. May Prevent Intoxication

There is limited research in this regard. Some sources state that dates are added to native beer in Nigeria to make the drink less intoxicating (24).

18. May Prevent Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are a common complication during pregnancy. They could be the result of an inadequate fiber intake. Dates are excellent sources of fiber. They may help prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy. However, further studies are required to understand this specific mechanism of dates.

These are the major benefits of dates. There are claims that dates may promote health in other ways too. However, there is insufficient information to back them up. We have covered them in the following section.

Insufficient Evidence For

1. May Treat Intestinal Disorders

The fiber in dates may help. But too many dates can overwhelm the bacteria in the large intestine and cause gas. Dates contain some nicotine and this may help in the treatment of intestinal disorders.

2. May Aid In Anemia Treatment

Dates may help treat anemia as they contain iron.

3. May Promote Muscle Development

The carbs in dates may help. If you don’t get enough carbs, your body may burn your muscles instead for energy. Dates, being high-carb fruits, may help in muscle development.

4. May Help Reduce Belly Fat

The fiber in dates may help. It makes you feel satiated and discourages overeating. Since dates are sweet, they may also satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you from having unhealthy sweetening foods.

Dates are available in different varieties. In the following section, we will look at the various types of dates.

Types Of Date Fruit

Following are the types of dates:

Medjool – This variety has its origins in Morocco. They are large and delicious. They have a toffee-like flavor.

Barhi – These are also called yellow dates. This variety is native to Iraq. They are gentle and have thicker flesh.

Dayri – These dates are lengthy, slim, and black.

Halawy – These are incredibly sweet and small.

Deglet Noor – These are among the best varieties from Tunisia and Algeria. They are semi-dry and not too sweet. They are usually used in cooking.

Hayani – These are grown in Egypt. These dates are gentle and red to black.

Migraf – These dates are popular in southern Yemen. They are large and golden amber.

Iteema – These are native to Algeria and are extremely sweet. They are big and oblong.

Of all these, Medjool is supposed to be the most delicious and nutritious variety. It is the most common variety of black dates. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber and are abundant in potassium as well.

In the following section, we will discuss the nutritional profile of dates.

Dates Nutrition Facts*

Datesare a very rich source of vitamins and minerals and are very beneficial for the body. Read more to know the nutritional value of dates in detail. These values pertain to a 100 gram serving of dates.

Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Folates Sodium Calcium Carotene-ß

Dates are especially rich in vitamins B6, A, and K. These help in bone development and improve eye health. The fiber in dates improves intestinal health and naturally reduces cholesterol. It also may reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancers. Other minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, protein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and sulfur in dates promote overall body functioning. They improve metabolism and immunity as well. Folate is good for pregnancy. Thiamin (nervous system), niacin (cholesterol levels), and riboflavin (energy production) are the other vitamins the fruit is rich in.

Dates can be eaten in several ways. Here we have discussed some simple ways you can add them to your diet.

What Are The Best Ways To Eat Dates?

  • You can take them as a stuffed snack. Remove the pits and include dates with walnuts, almonds, cashews, and pecans for a delightful snack.
  • You can also mix diced dates with your breakfast cereal.
  • Wrap dates with tuna or chicken salad and other vegetables.
  • You can dice dates and serve them along with frozen vanilla yogurt.

Enjoying dates the way they are is the simplest way of eating them.

You can also soak dates (the dry ones) to rehydrate them, and then eat them. Date syrup works well too. It has antibacterial properties that are believed to be more effective than those in honey.

Fresh and dry dates are the two common variants available on the market. They are distinct in their own ways. We have discussed their differences below.

Fresh Dates Vs. Dry Dates

Fresh dates are soft, and dry dates are harder. They naturally contain less moisture than fresh dates.

We also can find dried dates that are fresh. These are fresh soft dates that are deliberately dried over a period.

From a nutritional standpoint, fresh dates are not very different from dry dates. But they are different from dried dates.

Dried dates have double the amount of carbohydrates than fresh dates. They are also a better source of fiber. Dried dates also contain higher levels of calcium and iron, but fresh dates win in vitamin C.

You can consume dates any way you want. You may also try this delicious date recipe.

Any Popular Date Recipe?

Dates Milkshake

What You Need

  • Whole milkshake
  • A handful of good quality dates


Mix the two ingredients. You can also add walnuts, cashews, and almonds to make the milkshake more nutritious

Selection And Storage


  • Dates are generally sold whole, packaged in narrow boxes, or pressed into blocks.
  • While buying fresh dates, look for plump, moist, and unbruised fruits that are soft with glossy skins.
  • Fresh dates can be slightly wrinkled, but they should not feel hard orhave crystallized sugar on their skins.
  • Fresh and dried dates have a similar appearance, except that dried dates are a little wrinkly.
  • They should look plump and glossy and have an even color.


  • Fresh dates, when kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator, can be stored for up to 6 months.
  • Dried dates, having a longer shelf life, can be stored in the same manner for up to 1 year.
  • Freezing dates extends their lifespan when kept in an airtight plastic bag or container.


Dates are highly delicious and nutrient-dense fruits with many valuable health benefits. You can easily add them to your daily diet as a snack.

Dates help in regulating cholesterol levels, may improve bone health, promote cognitive function, and fight inflammation.

They are available as fresh and dried variants. You can purchase dates any time of the year. Start taking them today for better health in the long run!

Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions

Is date a nut?

Date is a fruit of the date palm tree, and not a nut.

How many dates should I eat in a day?

About 3 to 5 dates a day would do. These nutrient-rich fruits may boost immunity when they are consumed in the recommended quantities.

What are the benefits of taking dates with milk?

In addition to getting all the benefits of dates that we have listed, you’ll also get the added goodness of calcium. This could be a superb diet to boost growth and maintain your overall health.

Can I have dates with tea?

Yes. But keep in mind that 100 grams of dates have about 60 grams of sugar. Hence, ensure your tea doesn’t have added sugar.

Can individualswith diabetes eat dates?

Dates are high in sugar. But these are natural sugars. Dates are also good sources of fiber that can benefit those with diabetes. However, check with your health care provider before consuming dates in this case.

Is eating an odd number of dates more healthy?

This is nothing more than a placebo effect. Eating dates in limited numbers can offer benefits.

Can dates be eaten daily?

Absolutely. Dates are delicious and nutritious. They contain several minerals and vitamins, and fiber.

How many dates should I eat for treating constipation?

There is no specific number. But if you stick to normal amounts of dates every day, you may not even suffer from constipation in the first place.

What are the health benefits of jujube dates?

Jujube dates are also called Chinese dates (or red dates). They help treat insomnia and anxiety. They also improve immunity and liver function.

Can we eat dates on an empty stomach?

Eating dates on an empty stomach has many benefits. Dates are rich in potassium and calcium that help regulate blood glucose and blood pressure levels. They also can promote energy.

Can I drink water after eating dates?

Yes, but only after an hour from consumption. Drinking water immediately after consuming any fruit may dilute the enzymes in the intestine that are essential for the digestion process.

Can I eat dates after a meal?

Yes, you can eat dates after a meal. Dates are rich in fiber. Fiber slows down the digestion process and controls blood sugar levels (25).

Do dates cause gas?

Dates usually don’t cause gas, unless someone is sensitive to their high fiber content. The sugars in dates may also cause gas.

Can we soak dates in water overnight?

We may soak dates in water overnight. However, there is no evidence stating this method is good or bad.

Do dried dates go bad?

When stored properly at room temperature, dried dates have a long shelf life compared to other fruits. You can revive dried dates by placing them in boiling water for 10 minutes.

25 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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