21 Mejores Beneficios Del Brócoli Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud

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Vídeo: 21 Mejores Beneficios Del Brócoli Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud

Vídeo: 21 Mejores Beneficios Del Brócoli Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud
Vídeo: los 10 beneficios del brocoli 2024, Mayo
21 Mejores Beneficios Del Brócoli Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud
21 Mejores Beneficios Del Brócoli Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud

Toma una taza de brócoli y habrás consumido la mayoría de los nutrientes que necesitas para el día. Conocido por haber sido empujado por tu garganta (casi) por tu mamá, el brócoli es lo que podemos llamar el súper mini árbol. Y aquí, discutimos lo que puede hacer por usted: los excelentes beneficios del brócoli. Sigue leyendo.

Tabla de contenido

  • ¿Qué es el brócoli?
  • ¿El brócoli es bueno para ti?
  • ¿Cuál es la historia del brócoli?
  • ¿Algún dato interesante sobre el brócoli?
  • ¿Cuál es el perfil nutricional del brócoli?
  • ¿Cuáles son los beneficios para la salud del brócoli?
  • ¿Cuáles son los beneficios para la piel?
  • ¿Qué pasa con los beneficios del brócoli para el cabello?
  • Cómo seleccionar y almacenar el brócoli
  • Consejos para usar brócoli (para cocinar / comer)
  • Recetas populares de brócoli
  • ¿Dónde comprar brotes de brócoli?
  • ¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios del brócoli?

¿Qué es el brócoli?

Una planta verde de la familia de las coles, el brócoli es un superalimento. Es una de las verduras crucíferas más saludables, cuya gran cabeza floral se consume a menudo por sus propiedades nutricionales. A menudo se consume hervido o al vapor, pero también se puede comer crudo.

Beneficios del brócoli
Beneficios del brócoli

El brócoli viene en diferentes variedades, y las más populares son:

Brócoli Calabrese, llamado así por Calabria en Italia. Este tipo tiene grandes cabezas verdes y tallos gruesos. Y es un cultivo anual de estación fría.

Brócoli, que tiene un gran número de cabezas con varios tallos delgados.

Broccoflower, que es un cruce entre brócoli y coliflor. El sabor es suave y más parecido a la coliflor que al brócoli.

Brócoli rabe (también llamado brócoli rob en ciertos lugares), que es una especie crucífera diferente y también se llama rapini. Sus flores amarillas son comestibles.

Gai-lan, que también se conoce como brócoli chino. Es más largo, más frondoso y más picante / amargo que el brócoli verde normal.

La coliflor morada es otro tipo popular de brócoli que se cultiva en América del Norte y Europa. Este tiene una cabeza con forma de coliflor y pequeños botones florales.

También está el broccolini, que la gente confunde con los otros tipos. Bueno, no exactamente, el brócolini es solo una verdura larguirucha que es un cruce entre el brócoli y el brócoli chino, y no una variedad separada en sí misma.

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¿El brócoli es bueno para ti?

¡Por supuesto que es! Esta verdura es extremadamente rica en vitamina C (tiene el doble de cantidad que la naranja), calcio (contiene tanto como en la leche entera) y selenio (nutriente importante para prevenir el cáncer).

Comer brócoli también desintoxica su cuerpo después de la exposición a los alimentos o carcinógenos en el aire y otros oxidantes. Esta actividad se puede atribuir al sulforafano, un fitoquímico importante en el brócoli. De hecho, un estudio demostró que la ingestión de verduras crucíferas como el brócoli puede proteger a las células del daño del ADN.

Hay muchas otras razones por las que el brócoli puede ser increíble para ti (que analizaremos en detalle en un momento). Pero antes de eso, entremos un poco de historia.

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¿Cuál es la historia del brócoli?

Esta era una comida popular entre los romanos. Y una vez creció como loco a orillas del mar Mediterráneo. Las fuentes dicen que sus orígenes se encuentran en Italia (hace unos 2.000 años) y luego se extendió a Francia e Inglaterra en el siglo XVIII. En Estados Unidos, el brócoli experimentó su crecimiento comercial en la década de 1920. En algún momento, el brócoli también se llamó espárragos italianos.

Eso es solo un poco sobre la historia. ¿Pero sabías que hay muchas otras cosas interesantes sobre este vegetal?

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¿Algún dato interesante sobre el brócoli?

  • El brócoli recibe su nombre de la palabra italiana "broccalo", que significa "brote de col".
  • El tipo más común de brócoli es el brócoli Calabrese, que lleva el nombre de Calabria (Italia), su lugar de origen.
  • Si desea eliminar el olor a brócoli, puede agregar una rebanada de pan a la olla.
  • California produce casi todo el brócoli que se consume en los Estados Unidos.
  • Y aunque está disponible todo el año, la verdura es más nutritiva de octubre a mayo.
  • El lenguaje de señas estadounidense no tiene ningún signo para el brócoli. Solo tienes que deletrearlo.
  • El brócoli fue traído a Estados Unidos por Thomas Jefferson. De hecho, en 1767, importó las semillas de Italia y las plantó en su propio jardín.

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Eso es un poco sobre los hechos. Pero el verdadero problema de esta verdura radica en su perfil de nutrientes, y eso es algo que veremos ahora.

¿Cuál es el perfil nutricional del brócoli?

Grasa total 0g
Cantidades por porción seleccionada Vitamina A Vitamina C Vitamina D Vitamina E (alfa tocoferol) Vitamina K Tiamina Riboflavina Niacina Vitamina B6 Folato Vitamina B12 Ácido pantoténico Colina Betaína Cantidades por porción seleccionada Calcio Planchar Magnesio Fósforo Potasio Sodio Zinc Cobre Manganeso Selenio Fluoruro
  • 100 mcg of vitamin K (270% DV)
  • 101 mg of vitamin C (168% DV)
  • 120 mg of vitamin A (48% DV)
  • 165 mcg of folate (42% DV)
  • 4 mg each of vitamin B6 and manganese (16% DV)
  • 457 mg of potassium (14% DV)
  • 105 mg of phosphorus (10% DV)
  • 33 mg of magnesium (8% DV)
  • 62 mg of calcium (6% DV)

And one stalk of broccoli contains just about 45 calories.

And now, let’s head to the benefits.

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Broccoli?

The antioxidants in broccoli play a major role in preventing inflammatory diseases like cancer and diabetes. Broccoli also improves liver health and aids body detoxification. Find out about the potential broccoli benefits for your overall health.

1. Helps Prevent Cancer

Beneficios del brócoli
Beneficios del brócoli

The National Cancer Institute has spoken about the link between cruciferous vegetables (especially broccoli) and cancer in great detail. These vegetables contain glucosinolates, chemicals that have sulfur. During cooking, chewing, and digestion, these glucosinolates are broken down to form biologically active compounds – one of them being indole-3-carbinol, a compound with potent anticancer properties (1).

And yes, there is research that broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables can help prevent various forms of cancer – notably, cancers of the prostate, lungs, breast, and colon.

Another compound in broccoli bagging the credit for cancer prevention is sulforaphane, or naturally occurring organic sulfur. Sulforaphane supports normal cell function and division and even promotes apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Research says that just 3 servings of broccoli a week can cut cancer risk by 60 percent.

Broccoli also contains decent amounts of fiber, which enhances immunity and fights inflammatory diseases like cancer (2).

2. Detoxifies Your Body

Often called the dynamic trio, glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin, and glucobrassicin in broccoli neutralize and eliminate the unwanted chemicals from your body.

The sulforaphane in broccoli sprout protects the aerobic cells from damage by inducing a network of detoxification enzymes. In addition, it also suppresses the inflammatory responses (3). In another study, individuals who consumed broccoli sprout tea were found to have higher levels of detoxification (4). These individuals saw their blood levels of benzene and acrolein decrease post the 8-week long experiment. Benzene and acrolein are products of chemical combustion commonly found in highly polluted areas. Simply put, broccoli helps eliminate the pollutants that we unknowingly inhale on a daily basis.

3. Improves Bone And Teeth Health

Do you have bone issues or know anyone who does? Well, we can understand what a pain it can be. You can’t just move around. And that’s terrible. But you sure might find some solace in broccoli. Being an excellent source of vitamin K, calcium, potassium, and magnesium – broccoli plays a role in maintaining bone mineral density (it contains good levels of iron too).

Certain experts say vitamin K builds bones better than calcium. And a cup of broccoli contains 270 percent of the vitamin K you need in a day. This vitamin, along with calcium, also helps maintain your teeth.

This basically means broccoli can help fight osteoporosis (5). Plain and simple.

4. Promotes Heart Health

Broccoli keeps the blood vessels strong, which is one of the ways it improves heart health. The sulforaphane in the vegetable can prevent and even reverse damage to blood vessel linings caused by chronic sugar issues.

One study found that broccoli intake could improve your heart’s blood-pumping ability. It also reduces damage to the heart during oxygen deprivation (6). Numerous other studies have also associated broccoli consumption with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The vegetable can reduce inflammation and oxidation of the arteries in stroke-prone individuals (7).

Studies have also shown that the very same sulforaphane in broccoli can also improve blood pressure levels (8). And broccoli contains no cholesterol. Moreover, given it has fiber, it also regulates cholesterol levels and prevents heart attacks.

5. Improves Digestive Health

Broccoli reduces inflammation in the colon and helps prevent colon cancer. The vegetable is broken down in the stomach into certain compounds, one of them being indolocarbazole (or ICZ). This ICZ activates another compound called aryl hydrocarbon receptor (or AHR), which maintains the gut barrier function and treats related issues like leaky gut. Leaky gut occurs when the intestinal barrier is compromised and opens up to attack by toxins and microbes, leading to poorer absorption of nutrients.

Broccoli also contains other distinctive compounds that can be utilized by the gut bacteria and improve the overall gut health (9).

6. Enhances Liver Health

Beneficios del brócoli
Beneficios del brócoli

Broccoli has been found to prevent liver cancer and even aid in its treatment (10).

Broccoli sprouts can raise the levels of detoxification enzymes and protect the liver from damage. The vegetable might also prevent liver failure. Eating 4 servings of broccoli a week can do wonders to your liver health.

Dietary broccoli has also been found to prevent fatty liver disease, as per another study (11).

7. Can Cure Allergies

Research has found that taking broccoli just for 3 days can lead to a 200 percent increase in the production of proteins that generate antioxidants in the nasal cells. And this can help cure allergies.

According to another study, broccoli sprout attenuates nasal allergic response. It also reduces the effects of particulate pollution on allergic disease and asthma (12). Broccoli is also rich in quercetin and kaempferol, polyphenols known for their anti-allergic immune response. Quercetin is so potent in treating allergies that it is one of the main ingredients in most anti-allergic drugs (13).

Broccoli can even help treat other allergic (and respiratory) conditions like asthma. The sulforaphane in the veggie triggers the release of antioxidant enzymes in the human airways – this offers protection from the free radicals and other pollutants that we breathe in every day (14).

8. Might Promote Weight Loss

Broccoli is low in calories, and hence can be an ideal addition to a weight loss diet. And yes, broccoli is a good source of fiber – it keeps you full for a long period and discourages binging. This could simply make your path to weight loss a little smoother.

9. Improves Vision Health

You might want to turn to broccoli if you have any kind of eye problem that has been bothering you for quite a while. Because studies show that broccoli might prevent blindness. And this effect, again, is attributed to the humble sulforaphane in broccoli – the naturally occurring antioxidant that protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Research says that the more sulforaphane your eye cells get, the more protection they receive (15).

Green and yellow fruits and vegetables are also found to be loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin – antioxidants crucial for the human eyes. These super-antioxidants help prevent other serious eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Just about 100 grams of boiled broccoli contains 1,080 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin (16).

Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C, another nutrient essential for better vision (17).

10. Can Aid In Diabetes Treatment

If the fiber in broccoli forms one part of the equation, sulforaphane forms the other. The latter prevents damage to blood vessels caused by diabetes. Sulforaphane activates certain enzymes that limit this type of damage.

In lab experiments, sulforaphane was also found to lower glucose levels and reduce the harmful effects of sugar.

But there is something about broccoli that needs your attention – and this has to do with your nutritional type (values derived from a scientific method of customized nutrition, which basically studies your body’s major control systems). Please check with your doctor on this. If you are a protein type, you might have to reduce your broccoli intake.

Eating broccoli post a meal can help slow down the rise in blood pressure (thanks to its fiber content).

11. Improves Brain Health

Beneficios del brócoli
Beneficios del brócoli

The two crucial nutrients in broccoli that improve brain health are vitamin K and choline. While the former enhances cognitive abilities, the latter improves memory. And more importantly, broccoli contains a decent amount of folic acid that helps prevent Alzheimer’s and depression (19).

Other studies state that dietary broccoli might improve neuroinflammation to a certain extent (20). And the sulforaphane in broccoli had shown to improve spatial memory, especially after a traumatic injury. Hence, this compound is widely considered a potential therapeutic option for treating brain injury in patients (21).

According to a report by the Harvard Medical School, broccoli is also rich in beta-carotene and can prevent cognitive decline.

12. Improves Metabolism

The calcium and vitamin C in broccoli, together, can boost metabolism. And the fiber in broccoli increases TEF (also called the Thermic Effect of Food, or your metabolic rate after eating).

The fiber in broccoli is also responsible for healthy metabolism and maintenance of the major body functions (22).

13. Boosts Immunity

The number one reason broccoli works best for the immune system is its vitamin C content. And studies have found that broccoli can also boost the aging immune system. The sulforaphane in the vegetable interacts with Nrf2, a protein that regulates the body’s overall antioxidant response. This protein can switch on hundreds of antioxidant and rejuvenating enzymes and genes (23).

Sulforaphane has also been found to reverse the decline of immune function of cells that might otherwise accelerate with age. And broccoli also contains another compound glutathione – which also is called the master antioxidant. This antioxidant also fortifies immune health. Studies say that eating broccoli raw can maximize its immune-boosting effects. And these effects have also shown to promote wound healing.

14. Offers Nutritional Support For Pregnancy

Proper nutrition is more important during pregnancy than any other period in a woman’s life. And broccoli, being a powerhouse of nutrients, can offer just that.

While the calcium in broccoli helps prevent osteoporosis in pregnant women (as they are more prone to the disease during this phase, given their bones are more vulnerable), folate ensures a healthy pregnancy – it eliminates neurological defects in the baby (24).

And the fiber in broccoli helps prevent gestational diabetes, a disease pregnant women are more often prone to. Supplementation with broccoli sprout also prevents brain injury in the newborn, as per a Canadian study (25).

15. Improves Men’s Sexual Health

Men need to thank the folate here. According to a Spanish study, an increased intake of folate can enhance semen production, leading to stronger orgasms and improved fertility. And the vitamin A in this veggie can enhance the sperm count.

Broccoli has also been found to prevent bladder cancer, which is three times more common in men than women (26).

16. Balances The Body’s pH Levels

Broccoli, like most vegetables (and fruits), is an alkaline food and helps balance the body’s pH levels.

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What Are The Benefits For Skin?

The same antioxidants improve skin health and help slow down aging. Vitamin C in the vegetable aids collagen production, ultimately making the skin look younger.

17. Promotes Skin Health

The same antioxidants improve skin health and help slow down aging. Vitamin C in the vegetable aids collagen production, ultimately making the skin look younger.

Broccoli contains a substance called glucoraphanin that gets converted into sulforaphane, aiding skin repair and resulting in healthy skin. Thus, eating broccoli renews your skin more quickly and gives your complexion a beautiful natural glow.

Studies show that extracts of broccoli sprouts protect against skin damage and cancer caused by UV radiation (27).

18. Helps Slow Down Aging

Beneficios del brócoli
Beneficios del brócoli

One compound in broccoli, called nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), has been found to offer anti-aging benefits. NMN produces another compound important for energy metabolism – this compound fuels energy in our bodies, potentially eliminating some of the signs associated with aging (28).

And the vitamin C in the veggie fights free radicals that otherwise tend to speed up the aging process. Vitamin C also contributes to collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.

Broccoli is often considered better than sunscreen in protecting the skin against skin cancer. In fact, you could smear broccoli extract over your skin before bath. The sulforaphane in it works wonders on your skin.

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What About Broccoli Benefits For Hair?

The B vitamins and vitamin C make your hair stronger and strengthen the hair follicles. Vitamin C also combats free radicals that otherwise cause hair loss.

19. Improves Hair Health

The B vitamins and vitamin C make your hair stronger and strengthen the hair follicles. Vitamin C also combats free radicals that otherwise cause hair loss.

Dark green vegetables like broccoli are loaded with vitamins A and C that help produce sebum – a natural scalp oil that keeps the hair conditioned.

20. Treats Hair Loss

The vitamin C in this wonder veggie eliminates free radicals and helps make your hair thicker and healthier. It also is a good source of B vitamins, which reduce stress and in a way combat hair loss (29).

21. Imparts Luster To Hair

Beneficios del brócoli
Beneficios del brócoli

Broccoli seed oil contains a unique fatty acid composition that is similar to silicone found in shampoos, which is responsible for imparting shine to your hair. Also known as erucic acid, this omega-9 fatty acid gives your hair a smooth, natural sheen without leaving a residue of harmful detergents or chemicals in your hair follicles. Thus, it has an advantage over commercial shampoos and conditioners in this respect.

We saw the many broccoli benefits. But you also need to know about the selection process and storage.

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How To Select And Store Broccoli


Broccoli is available all the year round in supermarkets, so it is important to ensure that the variety you are buying is fresh.

While purchasing broccoli, ensure that the floret clusters are compact with firm stalks and healthy leaves.

Look for strong uniformly colored buds which are dark green, sage or purple-green depending on the variety with no sign of yellowing or bruises.

Yellowing florets or woody stalks with holes at the base or open bud clusters indicate that the vegetable is not fresh and hence should be avoided.

The stems and florets should be devoid of slimy spots and the leaves, if attached, should be vibrant in color and not wilted.

There should be no yellow flowers blossoming from the vegetable as it is a sign of over maturity.


Broccoli should be kept unwashed in a plastic bag, removing as much air from the bag as possible.

It should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Do not wash it before storing as it might get spoilt due to exposure to water.

Where whole broccoli has not been used, partial heads should be kept in a well-sealed container or plastic bag and refrigerated as it starts losing vitamin C quickly once it has been cut. Thus, it is advisable to use it within a few days.

Blanched broccoli can be frozen and refrigerated for up to a year.

Cooked broccoli should be kept in a tightly covered container and stored in a refrigerator for a few days.

There are numerous ways you can use broccoli for cooking. Let us help you with a few of them.

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Tips For Using Broccoli (For Cooking/Eating)

Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables that can be eaten in both cooked and raw forms. Raw broccoli contains more sulforaphane than the cooked one and is a suitable addition to salads.

Whether eaten raw or cooked, this vegetable provides your body with a plethora of nutrients and vitamins that protect you from various diseases. If you are wondering how to cook broccoli, we have something for you.


Before proceeding to cook broccoli, it should be washed and rinsed in cold running water. Cut the florets into quarters for uniform cooking. The stems and florets are the edible portions. So, the stem should be peeled and cut into slices.

To obtain the maximum nutrition from broccoli, it is advisable to let it sit for a few minutes before cooking. Broccoli can be cooked in many ways and can easily form part of many recipes to increase their nutrition quotient. Given below are some of the methods of cooking broccoli. It is important not to overcook broccoli as it can lead to nutrient loss. Gentle low temperature cooking enhances its nutrient availability compared to eating it raw.

a. Steaming

Steamed broccoli is best. It is low in calories too (½ cup contains just about 31 calories). But overcooking should be avoided as it enhances its strong flavor, wipes out the color and leaches the nutrients. Broccoli should be cooked for a short duration until it becomes tender but remains crisp.

Broccoli can be steamed either in a microwave or on a stove top. In case of the former method, place the broccoli florets in a dish and pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of water on the top. Cover the dish and microwave it at a high temperature for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the lid and check if it is tender. Microwave it for an additional minute if required.

For steaming it on the stove top, fill a pot with a few inches of water and place a steamer basket on top, such that the water does not touch the bottom of the steamer basket. Simmer over medium to high heat and add the broccoli florets and stems. Cover the pot and steam for 4 to 5 minutes until they become tender. Steamed broccoli can be enjoyed with olive oil, seasonings, salads, casseroles, and soups.

b. Blanching

This is another method to make the broccoli tender. For this purpose, fill a bowl with ice water and bring it next to the stove. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add a tablespoon of salt and broccoli florets. Cook for 1 to 1 ½ minutes until the florets turn tender and crisp. Allow the water to boil and cook the stems till they become tender for about 1 ½ to 2 minutes. Your broccoli is ready and can be served as vegetable platters.

If you want to freeze broccoli, blanching is the way to go about it. Freezing broccoli raw can make it bitter and leave it with shriveled stems. But blanching preserves the bright color and flavor.

c. Sautéing

Rinse the broccoli properly to ensure that it is completely dry. Heat some oil in a skillet at medium to high heat. Add the florets along with salt and toss to coat with oil. Add the stems after a minute. Continue to cook and stir till the broccoli is bright green and tender.

d. Roasting

Your broccoli should be as dry as possible. Heat the oven to 425oF. Coat the broccoli florets and stem with a few tablespoons of oil and half a teaspoon of salt. Make a layer by spreading the broccoli in a thin layer on a foil-lined baking sheet. Roast it for 20 to 25 minutes until it becomes crunchy and shows deep caramelized brown spots. It should be served immediately and can be used as a side dish or pizza topping.

Eating (How To Incorporate More Broccoli Into Your Diet)

There are multiple ways of cooking and serving broccoli. It can be added to pastas, pizzas, and salads or made into soups to make them more interesting and nutritious.

Pastas: Steamed broccoli can be added along with nuts to pasta tossed with olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste

Soup: Broccoli can be pureed along with cauliflower and combined with seasonings of your choice to make a delicious soup. Chicken soup can also be prepared by pureeing broccoli and chicken broth with onion sautéed in olive oil

Omelet: Broccoli florets and chopped stalks can be added to omelets to make them more nutritious

Salad: Toss steamed broccoli with chickpeas, halved grape tomatoes, olive oil, crumbled feta, and red wine vinegar

Dip: Steamed broccoli can be pureed with sour cream and grated parmesan and served with raw vegetables

Frittata: Chopped garlic and steamed broccoli can be sautéed in olive oil and covered with beaten eggs. It can be sprinkled with grated cheese and baked at 350oF until puffed

Broccoli Slaw: This can be prepared by combining chopped raw broccoli with red onion and dressing it with cream, cider vinegar, and honey. Cooked broccoli can be dressed with yogurt, lemon juice, and garam masala

Broccoli With Chicken: Broccoli can be tossed with bone-in chicken pieces and whole garlic cloves in olive oil and roasted at 400oF for 35 to 45 minutes

Snack: Broccoli can be enjoyed as a snack. Steamed broccoli can be tossed with butter and lemon juice and sprinkled with toasted almond slices

Broccoli With Anchovies: Mash a few anchovies and a garlic clove in a mortar and pestle and mix with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. This can be tossed with steamed broccoli

You saw how to use broccoli in various ways. What if those ways take you to some wonderful delicacies?

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Popular Broccoli Recipes

1. Broccoli Soup

What You Need

  • 2 tablespoons of butter (along with 3 other separate tablespoons of butter)
  • 1 chopped celery stalk
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 3 cups of chicken broth
  • 8 cups of broccoli florets
  • 3 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups of milk
  • Ground black pepper to taste


  1. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a medium-sized pot. Now, sauté the onion and celery until they are tender. To this, add the broccoli and broth and cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour the soup into a blender – ensure you fill the pitcher no more than halfway full.
  3. Start the blender, and use a few quick pulses to get the soup moving before leaving it on to puree.
  4. Puree the soup in batches until it’s smooth. Pour into a clean pot.
  5. In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt the 3 tablespoons of butter. Stir in the flour and add milk.
  6. Stir until the mixture is thick and bubbly, and then add it to the soup.
  7. You can season with pepper before serving.

2. Broccoli Smoothie

What You Need

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of milk (dairy free)
  • 1 cup each of broccoli florets and blueberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of oats
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 cup of raisins


  1. Blend the dry ingredients and the liquid for a short time.
  2. Now, blend the fruit and the rest of the ingredients until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Serve.

Let us tell you – the recipes are great. They taste wonderful and are superbly nutritious. But in case you are wondering where to procure broccoli from…

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Where To Buy Broccoli Sprouts?

You can get broccoli from your nearest supermarket. You can also buy broccoli online at Instacart or Amazon.

We saw all that is good and glorious about broccoli. But not everything is so about it. Like any food, broccoli also has its share of side effects.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Broccoli?


Applying broccoli to the skin can cause rashes in hypersensitive people. Stop its use if you notice any such effects.


Broccoli (and other cruciferous veggies) are said to contain goitrogens that may interfere with thyroid functioning. There is no clinical merit to this, though. People with hypothyroidism, particularly those with autoimmune hypothyroidism (most common type), benefit greatly from the nutrients in cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli.

Effects During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

In normal amounts, it is safe. But we don’t know what happens if broccoli is taken in excess. Hence, limit your intake.

Upset Stomach

Since it contains fiber, overeating broccoli can upset your stomach. Broccoli also contains non-digestible sugars that are fermented by gut bacteria. This is normally desirable, but in those with irritable bowel syndrome or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), it may exacerbate uncomfortable symptoms.


We have stated that it’s a nutritional powerhouse. It might taste bitter. But that doesn’t matter. Make this a part of your daily diet. Because remember, it’s a nutritional powerhouse. Oh yes, now you know why your mom insisted on downing this veggie down your throat. Time to say sorry to her, probably?

And tell us how you liked this post on amazing broccoli benefits. Do comment in the box below.

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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Do broccoli stems have any nutritious value?

Yes, they are just as nutritious. They contain calcium, iron, and vitamin C.

How does a broccoli grow?

Broccoli needs cool weather, sun, water, and rich soil. Ensure you plant the seed where it gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. The soil must be fertile, well-drained, and moist – with abundant organic matter.

Why is broccoli green?

The same reason most other plants are green – because of chlorophyll, the green pigment.


  1. “Cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention”. National Cancer Institute.
  2. “Cruciferous Vegetables Have Variable Effects on Biomarkers of Systemic Inflammation in a Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Young Adults” The Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  3. “Sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extract…”. Tokai University Tokyo Hospital, Japan.
  4. “What does broccoli sprout tea have to do with cancer?”. University of Minnesota.
  5. “Stronger bones for life”. New York State Osteoporosis Prevention & Education Program.
  6. “Broccoli good for the heart”. WebMD.
  7. “The influence of sulforaphane on vascular health…”. Imperial College London, UK.
  8. “The dietary phase 2 protein inducer sulforaphane can normalize the kidney epigenome and improve blood pressure in hypertensive rats” American Journal of Hypertension, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  9. “Human gut bacterial communities…”. University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
  10. “Study shows broccoli might offer protection against liver cancer”. College of Aces.
  11. “Dietary broccoli lessens development of fatty liver…”. US National Library of Medicine.
  12. “Sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extract…”. David Geffen School of Medicine, California, USA.
  13. “Quercetin and its anti-allergic immune response”. Tomas Bata University, Vavreckova, Czech Republic.
  14. “Broccoli may help protect against respiratory conditions like asthma”. UCLA Newsroom.
  15. “Broccoli may prevent blindness”. WebMD.
  16. “Carotenoids and eye health”. University of Florida.
  17. “Busque frutas y verduras para una buena salud ocular”. Departamento de Salud del Estado de Nueva York.
  18. "El brócoli dietético mejora levemente la neuroinflamación …". Universidad de Illinois, Estados Unidos.
  19. “El sulforafano mejora la función cognitiva…”. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Texas, Texas, EE. UU.
  20. “Brócoli - Reina de las verduras”. Maestros jardineros del condado de Riverside.
  21. "Un estudio encuentra que el brócoli puede ayudar a impulsar …". Sala de redacción de UCLA.
  22. “Huesos fuertes para ti y tu bebé”. Departamento de Salud Pública del Estado de Nueva York.
  23. “Suplementación de brotes de brócoli durante…”. Universidad de Alberta, Canadá.
  24. “10 mejores alimentos para hombres”. Universidad de New Hampshire.
  25. “Brote de brócoli rico en glucorafanina en la dieta…”. Universidad Johns Hopkins, Maryland, Estados Unidos.
  26. “Cómo esta enzima del brócoli puede retrasar el envejecimiento”. HORA.
  27. “Top 10 alimentos para reducir la caída del cabello”. Colegio de Profesiones de la Salud de Nueva York.


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