Los 21 Mejores Beneficios Y Usos Del Aceite De Romero Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud

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Vídeo: Los 21 Mejores Beneficios Y Usos Del Aceite De Romero Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud

Vídeo: Los 21 Mejores Beneficios Y Usos Del Aceite De Romero Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud
Los 21 Mejores Beneficios Y Usos Del Aceite De Romero Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud
Los 21 Mejores Beneficios Y Usos Del Aceite De Romero Para La Piel, El Cabello Y La Salud

Cuando se trata de hierbas, el romero es prácticamente la reina de todas debido a los muchos beneficios para la salud que ofrece. Y parece que la humanidad conoció este secreto y cosechó sus beneficios desde siempre porque las civilizaciones griegas, romanas y egipcias consideraban sagrado el romero.

Fascinante, ¿no? Entonces, echemos un vistazo a todas las maravillosas formas en que podemos beneficiarnos de esta maravillosa hierba y su aceite esencial.

Tabla de contenido

  • ¿Qué es el aceite de romero?
  • Perfil nutricional del romero
  • ¿Cuáles son los beneficios del aceite de romero?
  • Los mejores usos del aceite de romero
  • ¿Cuáles son algunos datos interesantes sobre el aceite de romero?
  • Dónde comprar aceite de romero
  • ¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios del aceite de romero?

¿Qué es el aceite de romero?

Perteneciente a la familia de las Lamiaceae, el romero (Rosmarinus officinalis) es una hierba aromática de hoja perenne que se encuentra en el Mediterráneo y Asia. Tiene hojas en forma de aguja y sus flores pueden ser rosadas, blancas, moradas o azules. Dado que se ve bonito, se usa mucho como planta ornamental.

El romero ocupa un lugar especial en la cocina gourmet debido a su maravillosa fragancia y su sabor amargo único, especialmente cuando se trata de platos que incluyen cualquier tipo de carne asada. Pero es el aceite esencial extraído de las hojas de romero lo que es su pièce de résistance.

El aceite esencial de romero contiene una tonelada de componentes beneficiosos como 1,8-cineol, alfa-pineno y alcanfor. Estos le confieren sus propiedades antiinflamatorias, antibacterianas, antifúngicas, analgésicas y expectorantes y ayudan a promover una mejor digestión, circulación y respiración. Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a qué otros nutrientes maravillosos contiene este aceite esencial …

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Perfil nutricional del romero

El aceite esencial de romero se extrae por destilación al vapor de las copas de flores frescas que producen 1-2% de aceite. Este aceite contiene una amplia gama de componentes y antioxidantes. Sus principales componentes químicos son α-pineno, borneol, β-pineno, alcanfor, acetato de bornilo, canfeno, 1, 8-cineol y limoneno. El valor nutricional de la hierba de romero se explica en la siguiente tabla.

Valor nutritivo
Folatos Sodio Calcio

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¿Cuáles son los beneficios del aceite de romero?

El aceite de romero es uno de esos ingredientes únicos que no solo ofrecen beneficios para su salud física, sino que también hacen maravillas en su salud mental. Desde aliviar el dolor y ayudar a la digestión hasta reducir la ansiedad, el aceite de romero cubre casi todas las bases. Veamos todos los beneficios que tiene para ofrecer en detalle.

1. Estimula el sistema inmunológico

Cuando se trata de proteger su cuerpo de enfermedades, los antioxidantes son una de sus mayores armas. El aceite de romero contiene mirceno, una sustancia química que actúa como un poderoso antioxidante y busca los radicales libres que pueden dañar las células y causar una serie de infecciones y enfermedades. Por lo tanto, inhalar aceite de romero con regularidad puede ayudar a estimular su sistema inmunológico (1).

2. Es antiinflamatorio

¿Sufre de dolores y molestias que nunca parecen desaparecer? Entonces, es hora de que comiences a masajear esas áreas con aceite esencial de romero. Este aceite funciona como un poderoso agente antiinflamatorio ya que contiene α-pineno que actúa para aliviar la hinchazón y el dolor (2).

3. Promueve la digestión

Esto puede sonar un poco extraño para usted, pero frotar aceite de romero en el estómago y la planta de los pies puede ayudar a la digestión. ¿Cómo preguntas? Es porque el aceite de romero mejora la calidad de la secreción de ácido gástrico y el volumen de bilis que produce el hígado, dos componentes necesarios para una buena digestión. Por lo tanto, puede ayudar a aliviar el estreñimiento, los calambres de estómago, la hinchazón, la flatulencia (sí, me refiero a los pedos) y los síntomas de la dispepsia (3).

4. Alivia el dolor muscular y articular

4. Alivia el dolor muscular y articular
4. Alivia el dolor muscular y articular

Cuando se trata de combatir el dolor, el romero es una triple amenaza debido a su contenido de 1,8-cineol, alfa-pineno y alcanfor. Es analgésico (reduce el dolor), antiinflamatorio (reduce la hinchazón) y antinociceptivo (bloquea la sensación de dolor). Por lo tanto, se ha utilizado tradicionalmente para aliviar el dolor muscular, el dolor articular, los esguinces y los síntomas de artritis y reumatismo. Aunque el aceite de romero ha sido aprobado por la Comisión E alemana para tratar estas afecciones y se ha demostrado que tiene estos efectos en ratas, no hay evidencia científica concluyente de que lo haga en humanos (4), (5).

5. Aumenta la circulación

Se ha descubierto que el uso tópico de aceite de romero mejora la circulación sanguínea en esa área (6). La circulación sanguínea mejorada puede ofrecer una serie de otros beneficios, como aliviar el dolor y ayudar a la coagulación rápida de la sangre, lo que a su vez podría acelerar la cicatrización de heridas y promover el crecimiento del cabello.

6. Cura los dolores de cabeza

¿Los frecuentes dolores de cabeza y migrañas te hacen perder la escuela o el trabajo? Luego, todo lo que necesitas hacer es frotar un par de gotas de aceite de romero entre tus palmas y colocarlas sobre tu nariz y boca. Se ha descubierto que la propiedad analgésica de este potente aceite esencial es muy eficaz para reducir los dolores de cabeza (7).

7. Alivia la tos, el resfriado y la gripe

7. Alivia la tos, el resfriado y la gripe
7. Alivia la tos, el resfriado y la gripe

Es hora de una pequeña prueba. ¿Cuál es el factor común entre tos, resfriado y gripe? Sí, todos son causados por infecciones bacterianas o virales. El aceite esencial de romero, cuando se inhala, actúa como un potente agente antibacteriano y combate estas infecciones (8).

8. Ayuda a mejorar la actividad respiratoria

Si quieres respirar tranquilo, es hora de que compres una botella de aceite esencial de romero. Se ha descubierto que este poderoso aceite proporciona un alivio significativo cuando se trata de trastornos respiratorios (9).

El eucaliptol (1,8-cineol) y el alcanfor presentes en el aceite de romero ayudan a dilatar los bronquios en los pulmones y ayudan a un mejor flujo de aire. Por lo tanto, ayuda a aliviar una serie de problemas respiratorios como limpiar el pecho y la congestión nasal, reducir la tos, el resfriado y el dolor de garganta, y tratar los síntomas de las alergias respiratorias y la sinusitis. El aceite de romero también posee una propiedad antiespasmódica (alivia los espasmos musculares) que funciona bien en el tratamiento del asma bronquial.

9. Reduce el estrés

Whenever you feel stressed or have that all too familiar “fight-or-flight” urge, it’s nothing but the hormone cortisol that is being released into your body. Anyone who suffers from chronic stress can have an excess of cortisol being released in their body, which could ruin the delicate hormonal balance and disturb the normal metabolism, thus giving way to a number of other diseases. But there’s good news! Smelling rosemary oil has been found to reduce the level of cortisol in saliva significantly (10). So, the next time you feel like the stress of day-to-day life is getting to you, indulge in some aromatherapy with rosemary oil.

10. Helps Fight Cancer

A lot of research is currently going on to test the effect of rosemary oil on cancer. Carnosol, a component of rosemary oil, has shown particularly promising results in fighting cancer (11). Extensive research done on animals has also proven the anti-cancer effect of rosemary oil on the colon, pancreas, breast, prostate, cervical, bladder, ovarian cancer, and leukemia (12). It has also been shown to inhibit the spread of liver carcinoma and slow down the growth of tumors (13). However, there is still a long way to go before an undisputed link is found between rosemary oil and its anticancer effects.

11. Removes Bad Odor

11. Elimina el mal olor
11. Elimina el mal olor

We all know that rosemary oil emits a lovely fragrance that is unmatched by any other scent. But what you probably didn’t know is that it’s the volatile compound myrcene found in this essential oil that lends it this pleasant fragrance. Rosemary oil is extensively used in room fresheners, diffusers, and scented candles to remove bad odors. It is also used in cosmetics, scented bath products, and perfumes.

12. Prevents STDs

Rosemary essential oil contains two very important compounds – beta-pinene and limonene – that possess antiviral properties. These two components have been found to reduce the infectivity of the herpes virus by an astonishing 100% when tested in-vitro (14). However, extensive research still needs to be done to see how effective the oil would be when inhaled or used topically to actually reduce the symptoms and infectivity of STDs in a real-life scenario.

13. Boosts Oral Health

Half a teaspoon of rosemary oil mixed in a cup of distilled water works as an excellent mouthwash. The antibacterial activity of rosemary oil helps prevent cavities, gingivitis, and plaque build-up. It even gets rid of the bacteria Streptococcus sobrinus that takes root in your tooth cavities and is a major cause of tooth decay (15).

14. Aids Liver Detoxification And Enhances Gallbladder Function

Multiple research studies have proven that the antioxidant property of rosemary oil helps in healing injured liver cells in rats and also stops the spread of cancerous cells in liver cells in-vitro (16), (17). Inhaling rosemary has also been known to regulate the production and storage of bile by the liver and gallbladder, thus improving the functioning of the digestive system.

15. Improves Cognitive Function

The next time you find yourself getting distracted while studying for an exam or just can’t seem to focus on the work assignment at hand, inhale some rosemary oil or add a few drops of it in your room diffuser. Not only does it help improve concentration, but it is also great for boosting memory (18).

16. Helps Reduce Nervous Tension And Fatigue

16. Ayuda a reducir la tensión nerviosa y la fatiga
16. Ayuda a reducir la tensión nerviosa y la fatiga

Inhaling rosemary oil when you’re feeling fatigued or tensed acts as a stimulant and helps increase your blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. This, in turn, helps you feel fresher and more energized (19).

17. Works As An Antidepressant

Another great way that rosemary oil benefits mental health is by acting as an antidepressant. The carnosol and betulinic acid found in rosemary oil have been found create an antidepressant effect in rats (20). Aromatherapy using rosemary oil also helps people relax and treats symptoms of depression (21).

18. Helps In Relieving Anxiety

Here’s some great news for all you nervous test takers out there! A research study had shown that inhaling rosemary oil before a test helped reduce test-taking stress and the overall level of anxiety in nursing students (22).

19. Reduces Acne And Fights Signs Of Aging

The topical application of rosemary oil has been found to reduce the inflammation caused by acne (23). But that’s not all! It also reduces under-eye puffiness and improves circulation to give you glowing skin. Additionally, it fights against sun damage and free radical damage and tightens your skin to combat signs of aging (24).

20. Enhances Hair Health

Say goodbye to all your hair worries with rosemary oil. It infuses new life to thinning hair, gives you thicker locks, and helps treat dandruff (25). Additionally, this essential oil has also been found to stimulate hair growth and treat alopecia (26).

21. Acts As A Mosquito and Insect Repellent

Constantly pestered by mosquitoes and other bugs? Well, I say, no more! Rosemary essential oil contains limonene and camphor that work wonders in repelling all sorts of insects, especially mosquitoes (27).

So, you see, rosemary oil offers a whole range of health benefits, which only begs the question of how is one to use it? Well, compiled below are some of the best ways to use rosemary oil to your advantage.

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Best Rosemary Oil Uses

To Clear Out Phlegm: Rosemary oil works as an excellent expectorant. Just rub a couple of drops between your palms and cup them over your mouth and nose for a couple of minutes to expel phlegm from your chest

For Thick Hair: We already know that rosemary oil is a godsend for people with thinning hair. But if you want to boost its hair thickening properties even more, simply add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to a tablespoon of castor oil and two tablespoons of coconut oil and massage it into your hair

Enhances Prostate Health: The anti-inflammatory property of rosemary oil works great in enhancing prostate health. Just add a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil to a teaspoon of any carrier oil (coconut or olive oil are good options) and rub it under the testicles

Relieves Muscle And Joint Pains: Let the anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary essential oil work their magic on your sore muscles and joint pains. Combine a couple drops each of rosemary and peppermint oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil. Massage this concoction on the problem areas for a few minutes to relieve the pain

Essential Oil Diffuser: The pleasant aroma of rosemary oil can provide relief from a number of respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and the nasal congestion from a common cold. Just add 5 or more drops of rosemary oil to your room diffuser or vaporizer

Want some trivia that’ll make you look oh-so-knowledgeable at the next house party? Then, here are some interesting facts about rosemary oil for your benefit.

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What Are Some Interesting Facts About Rosemary Oil?

Besides providing a range of mental and physical health benefits, rosemary makes for a quite an interesting plant in terms of its origin and usage. Here are a few interesting tidbits:

  • The name rosemary originates from the Latin word rosmarinus, which means ‘mist of the sea.’ This is probably because it doesn’t need much water to grow and can survive on the humidity provided by the sea. This explains why it grows so well on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • A rosemary plant can grow up to 5 meters in height, which is pretty amazing considering it’s a shrub.
  • Rosemary has been used as a symbol of remembrance and scattered on graves since olden times.
  • Rosemary was declared ‘Herb Of The Year’ in 2000 by the International Herb Association. (Honestly, I’m more surprised by the fact that there’s such a thing as an International Herb Association in existence. And, in case you were wondering, the Herb Of The Year for 2018 is hops.)
  • This sweet plant has long been considered a symbol of fidelity and a good omen for marital bond. This is why sprigs of rosemary were fashioned into a headdress worn by the bride while the groom wore a twig on his chest.

Now, that made for some nice fodder for your brain, didn’t it? The only thing left for you to know now is where you can buy rosemary essential oil. Well, just keep reading…

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Where To Buy Rosemary Oil

You can buy rosemary essential oil from your local drugstore or any major online shopping site. However, make sure you look at at the testing on the oil to ensure it is high quality first.

Now, you may buy all the organic rosemary oil you want to avoid all the chemical preservatives in the world, but you can still experience an adverse reaction to it simply because of all the volatile and potent chemicals it is composed of. So, enlighten yourself a bit by reading up on the cautions for rosemary oil.

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What Are The Cautions for Rosemary Oil?

Yes, rosemary is quite the wonder elixir that offers health benefits galore. However, there are still a few key things you need to keep in mind when it comes to its side effects. Here’s what you need to know:

  • It is always recommended to dilute rosemary oil or use it with a carrier oil because applying it directly on your skin in its concentrated form has been reported to cause dermatitis.
  • If you are epileptic, it is best that you avoid using rosemary oil as it has been known to cause and aggravate seizures.
  • Rosemary oil has the potential of increasing the risk of bleeding and bruising in people with bleeding disorders.
  • Ingesting large amounts rosemary or its oil by pregnant women could possibly cause a miscarriage. Hence, it is best that pregnant and lactating women avoid it.

Who knew that a tiny bottle of rosemary essential oil could offer a whole world of health benefits? If you would like to share your experiences with this wonder oil or have a health issue that you think could be resolved with it, comment below to let us know.

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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How does rosemary oil work?

Rosemary oil works through inhalation when added to a room diffuser or vaporizer. You could also use it topically, with a few drops added to your bath water or as a massage oil mixed with a carrier oil.

How to make rosemary oil?

You cannot extract the essential oil of rosemary oil at home. However, you can make rosemary infused oil by dropping a few sprigs of dried rosemary leaves in a glass bottle filled with olive oil. Secure the lid tightly and place this bottle in a warm, dark place for two weeks before using it.

What are the oils that blend well with rosemary oil?

Rosemary oil blends well with a wide variety of other essential oils like wild orange, lemon, jasmine, lavender, frankincense, peppermint, basil, and eucalyptus.

Which rosemary oil is good for hair?

Any pure and organic rosemary oil is good for using on hair when combined with a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil.

Does rosemary oil help hair regrowth?

Yes, rosemary oil does help hair regrowth as it stimulates blood circulation in the scalp.


  1. Antioxidant activities of rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis L.) extract, blackseed (Nigella sativaL.) essential oil, carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid and sesamol.” Akdeniz University, Turkey.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil in experimental animal models.” State University of Maringá, Brazil.
  3. “Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for Vibrant Health and Beauty” Roberta Wilson, USA.
  4. “Rosemary.” University Of Maryland, USA.
  5. Hydroalcoholic extract of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its constituent carnosol inhibit formalin-induced pain and inflammation in mice.” Azad Islamic University, Iran.
  6. “Investigations into the specific effects of rosemary oil at the receptor level.” Med. University Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
  7. Effects of Aromatherapy in blending oil of Basil, Lavender, Rosemary, and Rose on Headache, Anxiety and Serum Cortisol level in the Middle-Aged Women.” Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science, South Korea.
  8. In vitro antibacterial activity of some plant essential oils.” Loyola College.
  9. Pharmacology of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Linn.) and its therapeutic potentials.” Al-Fateh University of Medical Sciences, Libya.
  10. “Smelling lavender and rosemary increases free radical scavenging activity and decreases cortisol level in saliva.” Meikai University, School of Dentistry, Japan.
  11. “Carnosol: a promising anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agent.” University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
  12. Anticancer Effects of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Extract and Rosemary Extract Polyphenols.” Brock University, Canada
  13. Supercritical rosemary extracts, their antioxidant activity and effect on hepatic tumor progression.” Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
  14. Antiviral activity of monoterpenes beta-pinene and limonene against herpes simplex virus in vitro.” University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
  15. In vitro inhibitory effects of rosemary extracts on growth and glucosyltransferase activity of Streptococcus sobrinus.” Yuanpei University, Taiwan.
  16. Antioxidant activity of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) essential oil and its hepatoprotective potential.” University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
  17. Antiproliferative, protective and antioxidant effects of artichoke, dandelion, turmeric and rosemary extracts and their formulation.” Università G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, Italy.
  18. Aromas Of Rosemary And Lavender Essential Oils Differentially Cognition And Mood In Healthy Adults.” University Of Northumbria, UK.
  19. Effects of Inhaled Rosemary Oil on Subjective Feelings and Activities of the Nervous System.” Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
  20. Antidepressant-like effects of fractions, essential oil, carnosol and betulinic acid isolated from Rosmarinus officinalis L.” Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário, Brazil.
  21. Depression.” University Of Maryland, USA.
  22. The Effects of Lavender and Rosemary Essential Oils on Test-Taking Anxiety Among Graduate Nursing Students.” Florida Atlantic University, USA.
  23. Rosmarinus officinalis Extract Suppresses Propionibacterium acnes –Induced Inflammatory Responses.” Taipei Medical University, Taiwan.
  24. Skin Rejuvenation: The Use of Rosemary from Food to Face.” Southwest Institute Of Natural Aesthetics, USA.
  25. Aromatherapy Handbook for Beauty, Hair, and Skin Care.” Keller, E. USA
  26. Ensayo aleatorio de aromaterapia. Tratamiento exitoso para la alopecia areata.”Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Escocia.
  27. Actividad repelente de mosquitos de los aceites esenciales de plantas aromáticas que crecen en Argentina.” Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.


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