Los 15 Mejores Ejercicios De BOSU Ball Para Mejorar El Equilibrio Y La Fuerza Del Núcleo

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Vídeo: Los 15 Mejores Ejercicios De BOSU Ball Para Mejorar El Equilibrio Y La Fuerza Del Núcleo
Vídeo: Entrenamiento basketboll mejorar equilibrio y fuerza trabajo de propiocepcion 2024, Mayo
Los 15 Mejores Ejercicios De BOSU Ball Para Mejorar El Equilibrio Y La Fuerza Del Núcleo
Los 15 Mejores Ejercicios De BOSU Ball Para Mejorar El Equilibrio Y La Fuerza Del Núcleo

¿Por qué tambalearse en una pelota de estabilidad cuando puede mejorar la fuerza y el equilibrio de su núcleo con la pelota BOSU? David Weck inventó la pelota BOSU en 1999 y parece una pelota de estabilidad cortada por la mitad. Este diseño ayuda a agregar el factor X que falta en su rutina de ejercicios y brinda resultados asombrosos en solo tres semanas. Siga leyendo para saber cómo la pelota BOSU ayuda a fortalecer su núcleo y los mejores 15 ejercicios y beneficios de pelota BOSU para todo el cuerpo. ¡Muévase hacia arriba!

¿Qué es una bola BOSU y cómo funciona?

BOSU (siglas de BOth Sides Utilized) es una herramienta de gimnasio para desarrollar fuerza y estabilidad.

Tiene una superficie plana y un hemisferio. El hemisferio está medio lleno de aire, lo que proporciona suficiente inestabilidad que provoca el reclutamiento de todos los músculos centrales. Y la superficie plana proporciona estabilidad para realizar los ejercicios con la máxima precisión.

Puede utilizar tanto la superficie plana como el hemisferio para fortalecer el núcleo y mejorar el equilibrio. Úselo para hacer ejercicios para todo el cuerpo o simplemente para enfocarse en áreas problemáticas específicas. De hecho, cualquiera puede usarlo, principiantes o profesionales. Entonces, prepárate y haz algunos ejercicios divertidos y efectivos con la pelota BOSU.

15 ejercicios de BOSU Ball para acelerar tu rutina de entrenamiento

Estos 15 mejores ejercicios con pelota de BOSU van a cambiar tu forma de ver el ejercicio. Pero antes de comenzar a hacer ejercicio, debe calentar durante al menos 10 minutos. Así es como puede hacer un calentamiento eficaz.


  • Inclinación del cuello: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Rotaciones de cuello: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Rotaciones de hombros: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Rotaciones de brazos: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Rotaciones de muñeca: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Rotaciones de cintura: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Estocadas laterales: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Trote puntual - 2 minutos
  • Saltos de tijera - 1 serie de 20 repeticiones
  • Estiramiento de pantorrillas - 1 serie de 2 repeticiones
  • Rotación del tobillo: 1 serie de 10 repeticiones
  • Marcha sobre la pelota BOSU - 1 serie de 25 repeticiones (sujeta el respaldo de una silla para mantener el equilibrio)

Ahora tus músculos están preparados para el ejercicio. ¡Empecemos!

Ejercicios BOSU Ball para la parte inferior del cuerpo

Si tiende a acumular grasa en la parte inferior de su cuerpo, estos ejercicios de BOSU para la parte inferior del cuerpo le ayudarán.

1. Elevación de cadera

Elevación de cadera - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU
Elevación de cadera - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU


Objetivo: glúteos, espalda baja, isquiotibiales, abdominales y cuádriceps.

Nivel de dificultad: principiante

Cómo hacer

  1. Acostarse en el suelo. Flexione las rodillas y coloque los pies a los lados de la pelota BOSU, como se muestra en la imagen. Coloque los brazos a los lados, las palmas de las manos apoyadas en el suelo y mire hacia el techo. Esta es tu posición de inicio.
  2. Empuja tus caderas hacia el techo.
  3. Detente cuando tus caderas estén alineadas con tus muslos.
  4. Baje las caderas pero no las apoye en el suelo.
  5. Vuelve a subir las caderas.
  6. No incline ni deje caer la pelvis hacia ningún lado.

Series y repeticiones: 2 series de 15 repeticiones

Modificación: elevación de cadera en una pierna

Para llevar este ejercicio al nivel avanzado, realice las elevaciones de cadera con bola BOSU con una pierna levantada. Mantenga la rodilla de la pierna levantada ligeramente doblada, empuje las caderas hacia el techo y baje los glúteos. Hazlo con ambas piernas levantadas.

# Avance Producto Clasificación Precio


Objetivo: glúteos, cuádriceps, isquiotibiales y espalda baja.

Nivel de dificultad: intermedio

Cómo hacer

  1. Coloque su bola BOSU en su hemisferio, es decir, la superficie plana debe estar hacia arriba.
  2. Para evitar caerse, coloque la pierna derecha a un lado de la pelota BOSU. La bola BOSU se inclinará hacia la derecha. Luego, coloque su pie izquierdo en el otro lado de la superficie plana y mantenga el equilibrio. Asegúrate de estar estable. Esta es la posición inicial.
  3. Empuje las caderas hacia atrás y flexione las rodillas, baje el cuerpo y acerque las manos al pecho.
  4. Asegúrate de que tus rodillas no sobrepasen los dedos de tus pies
  5. Vuelve a la posición inicial.

Series y repeticiones: 2 series de 12 repeticiones

# Avance Producto Clasificación Precio


Objetivo: glúteos, cuádriceps, isquiotibiales y espalda baja.

Nivel de dificultad: intermedio

Cómo hacer

  1. Stand about a foot away from the BOSU ball. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, core engaged, knees slightly bent, and chest out. The hemispherical surface of the BOSU ball should be up.
  2. Bend your knees slightly as a prep for jumping on the BOSU ball.
  3. Jump up and land on the hemispherical surface of the BOSU ball. Make sure you are in the squatting pose, your back is straight, and your knees are not overshooting your toes.
  4. Hold this pose for a moment and then get back up and jump back on the floor.
  5. As soon as your land on the floor, squat down.
  6. Repeat.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 15 reps

[Read: Squats 101 – How To Do Squats Properly]

4. Lunge

Lunge - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU
Lunge - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU


Target – Quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.

Difficulty Level – Beginner

How To Do

  1. Stand about a foot away from the BOSU ball. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, core engaged, knees slightly bent, and chest out. The hemispherical surface of the BOSU ball should be up. This is the starting position.
  2. Place your right foot on top of the BOSU ball.
  3. Flex both the knees and lower your torso so that your thighs are perpendicular to your shins.
  4. Hold this pose for a moment and then step back again to the starting position.
  5. Step your right foot on top of the BOSU ball. Flex both the knees, lower your torso and lunge. Hold this pose for a moment and then step back again to the starting position.
  6. Do the same with your left leg on the BOSU ball.

S ets And Reps – 3 sets of 12 reps

Modification – Side Lunges

These are similar to side lunges and BOSU ball lunges. Stand beside the BOSU ball and put your right foot on the dome. Make sure your feet are at least 2-3 feet apart. Now, lunge to the right, get up, and lift your right leg off the BOSU ball dome and place it close to your left leg. Again, place your right leg on the dome and lunge.

5. Hip Flexor Stretch

Estiramiento del flexor de cadera - Ejercicios con pelota BOSU
Estiramiento del flexor de cadera - Ejercicios con pelota BOSU


Target – Hip flexors, hamstrings, adductors, and glutes.

Difficulty Level – Beginner

How To Do

  1. Place your right foot on the floor beside the BOSU ball. Place your left foot behind you. So, now, you are basically lunging.
  2. Place your elbows on the BOSU ball and push your core down so that you are in a deep lunge.
  3. Hold this pose for 10 seconds to feel the stretch in your inner thighs, groin, and glutes.
  4. Release the stretch and repeat with the left leg.

Sets And Reps – 1 set of 2 reps

These exercises will help you tone your lower body. Now, let’s talk about one of the most problematic areas – the core.

[Read: 5 Hip Thrust Exercises]

BOSU Ball Core Exercises

BOSU ball core strengthening and toning exercises help you get rid of the tummy pooch, love handles, and back fat and tone your shoulders, chest, and abs. Let’s get toning!

6. Crunch

Crunch - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU
Crunch - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU


Target – Upper abs, lower abs, and back.

Difficulty Level – Beginner

How To Do

  1. Sit on top of a BOSU ball. Place your palms on the BOSU ball and slide your buttocks down so that your hips are near the rim of the flat surface, and your entire back is against the dome of the ball. Keep your knees flexed and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Make sure your upper back is NOT against the dome of the ball. Place your thumb on the back of your ears and support your head with the other fingers. Open up your arms, and keep your core engaged. This is the starting position.
  3. Inhale and crunch up by lifting your upper body. Exhale as you crunch up.
  4. Inhale and go back to the starting position.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 15 reps

7. Crunch Oblique

Crunch Oblique - Ejercicios con pelota BOSU
Crunch Oblique - Ejercicios con pelota BOSU


Target – Obliques, upper back, and abs.

Difficulty Level – Intermediate

How To Do

  1. Lie on your right side against the surface of the dome. Make sure the sides of your hips are at the lower part of the dome and the side of your chest on top of the dome.
  2. Flex your right elbow and place your right forearm on the BOSU ball. Place your left fingers on the back of your head, and open your left arm. Fold your right leg a bit and support your lower body by placing the inner side of the left leg on the floor. This is the starting position.
  3. Exhale and crunch up.
  4. Inhale and crunch back down to the starting position.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 12 reps

8. Full Plank

Plancha completa - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU
Plancha completa - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU


Target – Abs, back, glutes, and shoulders.

Difficulty Level – Intermediate

How To Do

  1. Flip over the BOSU ball, just like a turtle!
  2. Hold the BOSU ball at the edges as shown in the image.
  3. Extend your right leg behind you, flex your toes and place them on the floor.
  4. Extend your left leg behind you and support your body on the flexed toes of both the legs.
  5. Make sure your core is engaged, your spine is in line with your neck, and you are looking down.
  6. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 30-60 seconds hold

[Read: 21 Plank Exercises To Strengthen Your Core And Back]

9. Forearm Plank

Plancha del antebrazo - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU
Plancha del antebrazo - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU


Target – Abs, back, glutes, and shoulders.

Difficulty Level – Beginner

How To Do

  1. Kneel down in front of the BOSU ball. Place your elbows on top of the dome and clasp your palms together.
  2. Engage your core and extend your right leg and then your left leg behind you. Make sure your spine is in line with your neck and head. Look down.
  3. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds. Keep breathing slowly.
  4. Release the plank pose and take 10 seconds rest.
  5. Repeat.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 30-60 seconds hold

10. Side Plank

Plancha lateral - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU
Plancha lateral - Ejercicios de pelota BOSU


Target – Abs, glutes, shoulders, and upper back.

Difficulty Level – Beginner

How To Do

  1. Kneel down beside a BOSU ball such that it is on your left. Place your left palm on top of the dome and your right hand on your waist. Extend your right leg to the right. Keep your left leg folded.
  2. Extend your right hand straight up. Keep your core engaged and extend your left leg just behind your right leg so that your body is balanced and you don’t fall. Make sure your neck is in line with your spine.
  3. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.
  4. Do the same on the other side.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 30 seconds hold

11. Sit-Ups

Sit-Ups - BOSU Ball Exercises
Sit-Ups - BOSU Ball Exercises


Target – Upper abs, lower abs, and back.

Difficulty Level – Beginner

How To Do

  1. Sit on the dome of the BOSU ball and slide down a little.
  2. Place your thumbs behind your ears, support your head on the other fingers, open up your arms, and lie down. This is the starting position.
  3. Engage your core and lift your upper body and come to a sitting position. Exhale as you do so.
  4. Inhale and go back to the starting position.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 12 reps

These were BOSU ball exercises for your core. Now, let us talk about losing fat and toning up the upper body. Here are the exercises that you must do.

[Read: 8 Correct Ways To Do Sit-Ups To Get A Flat Tummy]

Upper Body

12. Tricep Dips

Tricep Dips - BOSU Ball Exercises
Tricep Dips - BOSU Ball Exercises


Target – Triceps, shoulders, and biceps.

Difficulty Level – Intermediate-Advanced

How To Do

  1. Sit on the BOSU ball and place your hands on either side. Keep your knees flexed and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Lift your buttocks and support your body on your palms and feet. Keep your core engaged, and shoulders rolled back. This is the starting position.
  3. Lower your buttocks, and just when they are about to touch the floor, push up and come back to the starting position. Make sure your elbows are pointing backward and not to your sides.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 12 reps

13. Chest Press

Chest Press - BOSU Ball Exercises
Chest Press - BOSU Ball Exercises


Target – Pectorals, lats, and shoulders.

Difficulty Level – Intermediate

How To Do

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and sit on the BOSU ball.
  2. Lie down on the dome, but make sure your upper back is not against the BOSU ball surface.
  3. Open your arms so that your palms are facing forward, and forearm is perpendicular to the upper arm. Look up at the ceiling and keep your core engaged. This is the starting position.
  4. Exhale and push the dumbbells up, extend your arms fully, and touch the heads of the dumbbells.
  5. Inhale and bring them back down.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 12 reps

[Read: 15 Best Chest Exercises To Firm And Lift Your Breasts]

14. Push-ups

Push-ups - BOSU Ball Exercises
Push-ups - BOSU Ball Exercises


Target – Pectorals, deltoids, biceps, triceps, and core.

Difficulty Level – Advanced

How To Do

  1. Flip the BOSu ball so that the flat surface is up.
  2. Place your palms on both sides of the BOSU ball and grip the sides to stabilize it.
  3. Extend your legs behind you and keep your spine in line with your neck.
  4. Engage your core, inhale, flex your elbows, and lower your body until your chest is about to touch the flat surface of the BOSU ball.
  5. Exhale and push your body up back to the starting position.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 12 reps

15. One Arm Push-up

One Arm Push-up - BOSU Ball Exercises
One Arm Push-up - BOSU Ball Exercises


Target – Biceps, triceps, pectorals, lats, and deltoids.

Difficulty Level – Advanced

How To Do

  1. Place your right palm on top of the dome and left palm on the floor. Extend your legs back and come to a plank position.
  2. Inhale, flex your elbows, and lower your body.
  3. Exhale and push your body up back to the starting position.
  4. Do the same with the other hand.

Sets And Reps – 3 sets of 12 reps

These were the 15 best BOSU ball exercises that you can do to tone your entire body or concentrate on one of your problem areas. Add this equipment to your exercise routine and gain strength and stability. And then, you can step up to stability ball exercises.

BOSU ball exercises are the first step to take on the next fitness challenge. So, don’t be shy. Ask your trainer to help you. Buy a BOSU ball and start exercising at your home and see your physical fitness improve like never before. Take care!

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What is the meaning of BOSU?

BOSU means both sides utilized, meaning you can use both the dome side and the flat surface to do various types of exercises.

How many pounds is a BOSU ball?

BOSU ball weights can range from 4 lbs to 350 lbs.

Which BOSU model should I buy?

Buy a retail or pro model depending on how much you are going to use it. Talk to your trainer to know the best option.

How can a BOSU ball improve my core training exercises?

La pelota BOSU agrega inestabilidad a su entrenamiento central. Esta inestabilidad ayuda a reclutar pequeñas fibras musculares del núcleo y hace que el ejercicio sea más efectivo.

¿Cómo usar una pelota BOSU para mantener el equilibrio de mi cuerpo?

Practica pararte en la cúpula de la pelota BOSU y hacer pequeños movimientos de trote para comenzar a construir el equilibrio. Puede tomar la ayuda de su entrenador, una pared o una silla y pararse sobre la superficie plana. Cuanto más practique, mejor podrá mantener el equilibrio de su cuerpo.


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