Todo Sobre Los Frijoles Adzuki: Beneficios + Recetas + Efectos Secundarios

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Vídeo: Todo Sobre Los Frijoles Adzuki: Beneficios + Recetas + Efectos Secundarios

Vídeo: Todo Sobre Los Frijoles Adzuki: Beneficios + Recetas + Efectos Secundarios
Vídeo: 5 Beneficios de los Frijoles Negros | Ciencia de la Comida 2024, Abril
Todo Sobre Los Frijoles Adzuki: Beneficios + Recetas + Efectos Secundarios
Todo Sobre Los Frijoles Adzuki: Beneficios + Recetas + Efectos Secundarios

El nombre puede recordarte a un personaje de anime japonés o un ninja. Y con el tipo de nutrientes que tienen, estos frijoles asiáticos son verdaderamente los ninjas de la familia Fabaceae.

Si no ha oído hablar de ellos ni los ha comido antes, no se preocupe. Hoy aprenderás sobre uno de los frijoles más ricos en este artículo. ¡Saluda a los frijoles adzuki !

Los frijoles adzuki son adornos de la tabla nutricional que contienen abundantes proteínas, fibra y minerales. Y tienen multitud de beneficios.

Desplácese hacia abajo para saber todo sobre los frijoles adzuki, junto con algunas recetas y datos divertidos. ¡Feliz lectura!

Tabla de contenido

  • ¿Qué son los frijoles adzuki?
  • ¿Como se ven? ¿En qué se diferencian de otras legumbres?
  • ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de los frijoles adzuki?
  • Información nutricional de los frijoles adzuki
  • ¿Cómo cocinar frijoles adzuki? - Recetas rápidas y sabrosas
  • Puntos para recordar al cocinar frijoles adzuki
  • ¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios de los frijoles adzuki?

¿Qué son los frijoles adzuki?

Los frijoles adzuki (Vigna angularis) son nativos de China y se han cultivado en Japón durante al menos 1000 años. Hoy en día, puede encontrar cultivos que crecen en Taiwán, India, Nueva Zelanda, Corea, Filipinas y partes más cálidas de China.

Los frijoles adzuki o aduki son ricos en fibra dietética, proteínas, hierro, calcio y ácido fólico y tienen cualidades fortalecedoras. Además, debido al bajo índice glucémico, los frijoles adzuki son el alimento preferido para las mujeres que menstrúan y las personas con diabetes y obesidad.

Entonces, ¿cómo identifica estos frijoles? ¡Vamos a averiguar!

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¿Como se ven? ¿En qué se diferencian de otras legumbres?

¿Cómo se ven? ¿En qué se diferencian de otras legumbres?
¿Cómo se ven? ¿En qué se diferencian de otras legumbres?

Los frijoles adzuki son frijoles secos pequeños, ovalados, de color rojo brillante. Puede encontrar frijoles adzuki en un rojo más intenso, granate, negro y, a veces, también en colores blancos.

A diferencia de otras variedades de frijoles secos, como los frijoles rojos, los frijoles adzuki tardan menos tiempo en cocinarse, gracias al tamaño pequeño y la buena cantidad de proteínas y carbohidratos que contienen.

Tampoco provocan la flatulencia e hinchazón características como el resto de las legumbres. Conocidos por brindarle la energía 'yang', los frijoles adzuki son fácilmente digeribles y, por lo tanto, tienen una larga lista de beneficios y recetas.

Aquí hay una recopilación nítida de lo que le hacen los frijoles adzuki. ¡Anímate y explora el mundo de adzuki!

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¿Cuáles son los beneficios de los frijoles adzuki?

1. Ayuda en la pérdida de peso y la digestión

Ayuda en la pérdida de peso y la digestión
Ayuda en la pérdida de peso y la digestión


Una dieta poco saludable, rica en grasas y desequilibrada es una de las razones más comunes y principales de la obesidad. Y si la obesidad no se controla, conduce a complicaciones fatales.

Agregar frijoles adzuki a su comida mejora el metabolismo de los lípidos, la utilización de grasas y la producción de energía y trata la obesidad de manera saludable.

Los micronutrientes y la fibra de estos frijoles pueden reducir el metabolismo del almidón, disminuyendo los niveles de glucosa en la sangre y el vaciado gástrico. Debido a esto, termina sintiéndose lleno y saciado y tiende a no comer en exceso (1).

2. Promover la salud renal

Los frijoles adzuki cuentan con un alto contenido de fibra dietética, alrededor de 25 g (en frijoles crudos) por taza. También contienen potentes fitoquímicos antioxidantes como polifenoles y proantocianidinas en cantidades razonables.

The combined action of fiber and antioxidants in adzuki beans scavenge reactive and undesirable free radicals and prevent the infiltration of inflammation-causing macrophages (immune system cells) (2).

Consuming the right amount of adzuki beans keeps your kidneys safe, efficient, and free of inflammation, injury, and complete breakdown.

3. Give You Strong Bones And Enhance Muscle Mass

Te da huesos fuertes y mejora la masa muscular
Te da huesos fuertes y mejora la masa muscular

With age, your bones and muscles tend to lose their strength and the power of repair or healing. This loss results in osteoporosis and reduced muscle mass, especially in post-menopausal women.

Cooked adzuki beans or their extracts contain bioactive ingredients like saponins and catechins. These ingredients restore the bone resorption and bone formation balance in people with osteoporosis and protect them from inflammation and total degeneration (3).

A cup of raw adzukis has about 39 g of protein. Nothing can beat the power of protein! Low carb-high protein diets help you lose the flab and build muscle mass. Because your body takes more time and energy to digest protein, and because adzuki beans have a low glycemic index, it’s a good idea to have them for lunch. You’d feel full, light, and energetic (4).

4. Lower Cholesterol And Detoxify The Liver

Drinking adzuki bean juice or soup reduces the serum triglyceride levels, prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL), and protects your liver from inflammation or damage.

The proanthocyanidins and polyphenols in adzuki beans inhibit the production of pancreatic enzymes. These enzymes (especially lipases) are responsible for the absorption of lipids in the intestines (5).

Due to the reduced absorption, the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol are lower in your blood. When there are less lipids and triglycerides, there’s low peroxidation or toxic residues that attack your liver.

Hence, your liver is free from chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis, fibrosis, or cancers.

5. Promote Heart Health

Promover la salud del corazón
Promover la salud del corazón

The high levels of antioxidant polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, vitamin B, folate, and potassium make adzuki beans the ideal candidate for a healthy heart.

These bioactive components reduce the free radicals that cause lipid and fatty acid peroxidation. They also exhibit anti-hypercholesterolemic effects, i.e., they relax the blood vessels and reduce hypertension.

The combined effect of all these components keeps your heart safe and cardiovascular diseases at bay (6).

6. Good For Women’s Health And Pregnancy

Adzuki beans are reservoirs of folate (1.2 mg in 200 g) – one of the essential vitamins for women. Especially in pregnant women, folic acid can help prevent NTDs (neural tube defects) (7).

These beans are also rich in iron, manganese, phosphorus, and other micronutrients that help in regulating your menstrual cycle and premenstrual symptoms (PMS).

In fact, Japanese women consume adzuki red bean paste or soup after menstruation to replenish the blood cells and prevent anemia (8).

There are many more benefits of the adzuki beans – all because of the nutrients and micronutrients. Adzuki’s nutritional profile has some fantastic numbers. You HAVE to check it out. Scroll down!

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Nutritional Information Of Adzuki Beans

Saturated Fat 0g Trans Fat Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 10mg Total Carbohydrate 124g Dietary Fiber 25g Sugars Protien 39g Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron
Calories Amounts Per Selected Serving Total Carbohydrate
Total Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Total trans fatty acids Total trans-monoenoic fatty acids Total trans-polyenoic fatty acids Total Omega-3 fatty acids Total Omega-6 fatty acids
Protein Amounts Per Selected Serving Vitamin A Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Vitamin K Thiamin
Betaine Amounts Per Selected Serving Calcium
Amount (per cup)

Now that you got the numbers, I’m sure you’d want to whip up something delicious using these beans.

Here are a couple of quick and tasty recipes I’ve compiled for you. Let’s get to the kitchen!

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How To Cook Adzuki Beans – Quick And Tasty Recipes

1. Creamy Adzuki Bean Hummus

Hummus cremoso de frijoles adzuki
Hummus cremoso de frijoles adzuki

If you’re looking for super quick ways to add adzuki beans to your meal and don’t have the mood to make something elaborate, this is the recipe for you!

What You Need
  • Cooked adzuki beans: 1 cup
  • Garlic clove: 1
  • Lemon juice (1 lemon): 2 tablespoons
  • Tahini: 2 tablespoons
  • Parsley: 1 tablespoons
  • Cumin (ground): ½ teaspoon
  • Ginger (ground): ½ teaspoon
  • Paprika or chili powder: ¼ teaspoon
  • Olive oil: 1 tablespoon
  • Water
  • Salt and pepper: to taste
  • Sesame seeds: to garnish
Let’s Make It
  1. Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until you get a smooth mixture.
  2. Add some water and blend again (the thickness depends on your desired consistency).
  3. Garnish with sesame seeds and finely chopped parsley.
  4. Serve this fresh and creamy adzuki beans hummus with raw veggies of your choice or nachos and tortilla chips on a movie night!

2. Adzuki Bean And Sweet Potato Patties

This recipe is for those days when you are all pumped up about cooking something nice, tasty, crispy, and indulgent. Also, when you are fighting the urge to have potatoes, you chose the healthier version – sweet potatoes!

What You Need
  • Sweet potatoes (or yam): 1 large
  • Adzuki beans (canned): 15 oz. or 1 cup of cooked beans
  • Dill leaves: 10-15 washed
  • Onion: 1 small, super finely chopped
  • Multigrain flakes or flour: 2-4 tablespoons (optional)
  • Mixed spices or garam masala: ½ teaspoon
  • Chili powder or flakes: ½ teaspoon
  • Olive oil: 1 tablespoon
  • Breadcrumbs: ¼ cup

Note: You can add oats, quinoa, and other whole grains of your choice for the crunch in your patties.

Let’s Make It
  1. Boil, peel, and mash a large sweet potato or yam in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients, except the breadcrumbs, to the bowl. Mix, mash, mix.
  3. You can also run these ingredients through the food processor for a coarse mixture.
  4. Add salt to taste.
  5. Make about 2-3 inch wide patties and coat them evenly with breadcrumbs.
  6. This mixture will be sticky, so use flour or oil on your hands to work with the batter.
  7. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 375°F until the patties turn golden and dry on the outside.
  8. You can add these patties to lightly toasted mini-buns and make filling burgers. Or eat them crumbled in a salad bowl.
  9. For the mini burger: Arrange Spinach or lettuce on the buns, top with a burger patty, cucumber and tomato discs, and fresh dill and shut it with the top half of the bun.
  10. Dig into these healthy mini burgers while sipping on a basic dark chocolate smoothie or a cucumber-mint mojito, and you are sorted!

Oh man! Mouthwatering is an understatement! I’m sure you’d want to try these recipes out. But before you start cooking, here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

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Points To Remember While Cooking Adzuki Beans

  • You need to soak adzuki beans for at least 1-2 hours before cooking. So, plan your cooking accordingly.
  • You have to boil the soaked and washed adzuki beans on high heat for about 30 minutes. Pressure cooking is a quicker option to get soft and sweet beans.
  • You can store cooked adzuki beans in the refrigerator for prolonged usage.
  • Make sure you don’t leave any water in the storage container.
For Sprouting
  • After soaking the adzuki beans, drain the water and leave about 1-2 tablespoons of water behind.
  • Transfer the beans, along with the water, to a shallow pan and leave it open to air for 3-4 days.
  • Once sprouted, rinse the sprouts well in cold water, drain, get rid of extra moisture, and store in a container.
  • If you want to refrigerate the sprouts, keep rinsing them every day in freshwater and change the container.
  • This way, no molds will form, and you can store them for 7 days!

So, is it alright if you have only adzuki beans in all your meals, seven days a week? Here’s the answer.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Adzuki Beans?

There are no fatal side effects or risks associated with adzuki beans. Yay!

But, hold on!

One of the most common problems we all face with these legumes and lentils is gas or flatulence. The same holds true for adzuki beans as well.

If you consume half-cooked or spoilt adzuki sprouts, you might have:

  • Gas
  • Mild diarrhea, or
  • Nausea

Ideally, half to one cup of adzuki beans per day will give you enough carbs, proteins, and calories while filling your tummy.

What’s My Take?

If you have a sensitive gut, and consuming legumes and lentils gives you bad bloat, adzuki beans are good news. Because they are the most easily digestible members of the bean family.

With 294 calories, 57 g of carbs, 17 g of dietary fiber and protein, 4.6 mg of iron, 278 mcg of folate, and 1224 mg of potassium, adzuki beans are the best choice if you want to lose weight, reduce hypertension, and prevent birth defects in your baby.

So, add this Asian wonder to your grocery list, make some patties, dips, and pies (yes, you can!) with them, and share your experiences with us.

Write to us your feedback, comments, and suggestions for this article in the box below.

Good luck with the adzukis, ladies!

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1. “Potential efficacy of preparations…” Dove Medical Press, US National Library of Medicine

2. “Protective effect of dietary azuki bean…” Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine

3. “Regulation of the differentiation of osteoblasts…” Food and Nutrition, Taylor and Francis Online

4. “In with the good, out with the bad” Harvard Heart Letter, Harvard Medical School

5. “Azuki Bean Juice Lowers Serum…”Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine

6. “Polyphenol-containing azuki bean…” Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease, ScienceDirect

7. “Folic Acid: the Vitamin That Helps…” Department of Health, New York State

8. “Introducing: The Aduki Bean” Health Tips, Bastyr University

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